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No Day Without Line:
The History Of The Royal Society Of Painter-Printmakers from 1880 to the present day.
By Martin Hopkinson

From The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Publication Date: September 1999 ISBN. 1 85444 119 1

FORMAT 240 x 165mm
ILLUSTRATION: 40 colour and black & white plates.
BINDING: paperback
BINDER: Clifford Press
MATERIAL: 30Ogsm Ivory Silk card
DESIGNER: Andrew Ivett
PRINTER: Clifford Press
PAPER: 130gsm White Silk


This the first scholarly account of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers by the former Curator of Glasgow's Hunterian Art Gallery, uses the Archives of the Society at the Bankside Gallery, London, and unpublished documents from other repositories. It tells the story of the struggles of the Society to obtain official recognition for the merits of original etchers and engravers, who had been treated as an inferior class of the Royal Academy, which, at its foundation in 1768, restricted membership to Painters, Sculptors and Architects.

The book stresses the international links of the Society, from its earliest days in the 1880s right up to the present, in particular drawing out the significance of American printmakers for the Society.

It records the varying achievements of successive Presidents, from the days of the dictatorial Francis Seymour Haden (1818-1910), brother-in-law and arch-rival of James McNeill Whistler, to Robert Austin, Paul Drury and Harry Ecclestone in the 1960s and 70s and more recently Joseph Winkelman, the first American President.

There is an extensive bibliography and a list of all the Society's members and of the diploma prints presented by each of them on their election, now on deposit at the Ashmolean Museum. The illustrations, with expanded captions by the author, are drawn from the diploma collection.

Ashmolean Museum Publications, Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont Street, Oxford OX1 2PH

Tel: 01865 278009/10 Fax: 01865 278018

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